Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What's the Object, Science Project?

OK - I just spent way too much time over on my other blog and now I have no time left for any Morning Glory updates. Did you know that storytellers are extraordinarily busy in the autumn? Fall festivals, Halloween, etc. It's dizzying. In a good way.

Just for fun, here are some Perrigo scientists hard at work (chuckle chuckle) and I think that the red-haired guy looks like a younger and taller version of Phil:

I haven't done a lick of anything useful today.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Look in the Book, Schnook!

I keep forgetting that I co-authored a book. Jeff keeps reminding me. So I'm not really blowing my own horn here, I'm just using this space to keep track of myself. Back in the dark ages, Martha asked me to write Storycraft with her. The thing that I'm most proud of is the artwork. It's also still available from the publisher, so hey-why keep it a secret?

By the way, because of a youth storytelling club that I ran for five years, I'm quoted extensively in Children Tell Stories, by Beauty & the Beast Storytellers (Mitch Weiss and Martha Hamilton). I have never met Mitch and Martha, but I think that their coaching talents are evident from the photos of the children on the cover of their book. I'm honored that they invited me inside. Two whole pages (more or less) of fame!