We went to Washington, D.C. to visit Julia and to see the sights.
(Hooray for my sister the Cruise Director!)
We ate hotdogs on the way.
(The effect is ruined because he made me laugh.)
The Korean War Memorial is haunting. Those boys look so scared.
(Click on this guy's face for a closeup.)
This is Phil at the Korean Memorial, just a few minutes after the first of his many "Thank-you-for-your-service" experiences.
(Starting with that first nice young woman who approached him, he received many handshakes and thank you's throughout the day, which he handled quite gracefully after the surprise of the initial encounter.)
Don't even get me started on the Vietnam Memorial.
Our "official" trip portrait at the World War II memorial.
(Phillip, Sandra, Lynne, Beryl, Julia)
Mommy was inspired to borrow my camera to record this view.
Here she is framing her image.
I am just wild about Harry. Give 'em hell and all that. It's probably all David McCullough's fault. Anyway, Mommy appreciated the sentiment. (Hooray for the Canadians!)
Phil took this picture of Julia's feet.
(She walked miles in flimsy flip flops while we all sported more sensible footwear.)
Go you Cubs.
Poor Milton Bradley.
Visited family in Arlington on Sunday morning.
I took this picture of Phil & Julia's feet at the Tomb of the Unknowns.
(We have a genetic obsession with feet, maybe.)
I was photographing the Masonic Temple in Arlington when this guy walked into the shot. I looked at his website and it seems that he started out on his little walk from New York. (How often does that happen?)
(Hey, Julia, thanks for being a wonderful hostess. I decided not to use our original title for this post because when I tried to write it down it came out sounding a bit off color. Think about it...maybe use your spam blocker for inspiration.)